Challenges' program is specifically focused on relapse prevention. Challenges is the first facility in the country to receive special national certification as a Relapse Prevention "Center of Excellence" by the leading international expert in this field, Terence Gorski.
It is our belief, and the foundational component of our treatment program, that relapse prevention must provide and incorporate new strategies for the client, in the future, to be able to effectively deal with the entire potential multitude of symptoms, disorders, addictions and behaviors that in the past have combined to wreck havoc in the client's life.
Introduction to Relapse Prevention We define Relapse Prevention as a strategy to train alcohol and other drug abusers to cope more effectively and to overcome the stressors or triggers in their environments related to alcoholism and drug addiction that may cause relapse to build into chemical dependency. Drug addiction and alcoholism are diseases that, when left untreated or poorly treated, are typified by chronic relapse. The prevention of relapse is a critical part of any effective treatment for drug and alcohol abuse. Understanding Relapse In order to understand the fundamentals behind Relapse Prevention , one must first understand relapse itself. In the medical community, a relapse is a regression after a period of partial recovery from an illness.
In addiction treatment (or drug treatment) Relapse may easily be defined as returning to a specific behavior after a period of abstinence (stopping) from that particular behavior, that is, drug abuse. A relapse does not just happen by itself. There are outside influences and contributing factors, and one can find evidence and warning signs that an individual might be in danger of returning to the destructive patterns of substance abuse. There is one accepted fact about relapse:
Relapse does not come on suddenly and without warning, it is a process over time. Call 888-223-2060
Sam Kesaris – Talking Treatment & Recovery
7 years ago