Holistic Lifestyles Radio Show Live Every Tuesday & Thursday at 2PM EST
by Holistic Lifestyles Radio on Jun.09, 2011, under Home

Live Broadcast Crossroads Guitar Fest 2010
Tuesday-2PM EST
Thursday- 2PM EST
John Hollis is the Founder of The Holistic Lifestyles Radio Network. John Hollis is a recovering addict who got Sober and Clean doing the 12 Step program along with holistic approaches to Mind, Body and Spirit. Holistic Lifestyles Radio Network is dedicated to carrying a message of hope for people in life that need to hear hope so they can have hope.
John Hollis interviews many in the fields of music, news, events, festivals, wealth, law, holistic lifestyles, health addiction, rehabs, holistic reading, holistic thinking, holistic recovery, alternative medicine, natural healing, yoga, reiki, Natural child birth, rain forest secrets, Chinese medicine, metabolic balance, complimentary medicine, alternative medicine, yoga, and holistic education. Feel free to contact John Hollis by clicking on contact you can also call 877-799-8773 to talk with John any time.