Take 12 Radio « Holistic Lifestyles Radio
Take 12 Radio
Holistic Lifestyles Radio Network and WWNN 1470 AM Radio Welcomes The Monty Man and Take 12 Radio To Our Radio Network. Listen Live Wednesday’s 10PM EST and Sunday’s 11 PM EST.
Take12Radio.com is a Christian owned and operated Recovery
Monty Meyer. (the Monty’man) is the owner and Executive Producer of K.H.L.T. (K-HALT) Recovery Broadcasting, The Take 12 Recovery Radio Show and Sponsor to Sponsor Recovery Publications
A web site publication that has been serving the recovery community since 1997 Sponsor to Sponsor is where K.H.L.T. was birthed.
Working on the Pastoral Staff of Lebanon Foursquare Church and with local drug & alcohol services Monty’s work is primarily with those who have a desire to become whole through the process of recovery.
The Internet is a community all it’s own, and like any community it’s population is filled to the overflowing with hurting and desperate people searching for a way out of drug, alcohol and other addictions. I believe that the only way to experience total recovery from this type of bondage is through accountability, education and a relationship with a power greater than ourselves, GOD.
Though there are some who experience a wonderful freedom from active drug and alcohol use without turning their will and their life over to the care of the creator, many of them never completely recover.
If they do it is only through the mercy of the God they have yet to know.
It is in the context of the original program of Alcoholics Anonymous, and the direction of a loving God that Take12Radio.com & KHLT Recovery Broadcasting are effective.”
The format that Monty uses in all of his Take 12 shows come from deep within his spirit. He desires that all seeking recovery never die behind any type of addiction or alcoholism. But more importantly, Monty’s heart is for the spiritual condition of his fellow man. Though he respects the rights of all people to believe as they will; Monty makes no apologizes for being specific that his Higher Power is Jesus Christ* Listen Live Wednesday’s at 10PM EST and Sunday’s At 11PM EST on WWNN AM 147o or Click on Take 12 Radio Banner.
Sam Kesaris – Talking Treatment & Recovery
7 years ago