When a person hears the diagnosis of cancer of any type, it is sobering news. It's important to explore options for dealing with it. Western Medicine had made great advances in cancer treatment. There are also a number of alternatives that can be helpful in the healing process. Acupuncture and herbal medicine, for instance, prove to contribute positively to those facing cancer.
The primary ways that western medicine treats cancer include: surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Preventative measures include antioxidants, vitamins, good nutrition, and exercise. Avoiding sun exposure for skin related cancer and avoiding exposure to toxic substances is important. These western medical approaches are important and effective, but can be enhanced when other ways of strengthening the person's natural ability to heal are also used.
During cancer treatment, the supportive treatment of acupuncture and herbal medicine can:
Promote the healing of wounds and prevent the formation of scar tissue.
Enhance lymphatic flow to prevent lymphedema or treat nausea and vomiting.
Enhances the immune system to help maintain a good white blood cell count which may decrease with successive chemotherapy treatments.
Helps manage cancer related pain
Protect the organs, such as the heart, from cardiac toxicity due to the chemotherapy
Helps restore overall health which can prolong survival
Treat other diseases resulting from the cancer treatment or from the cancer itself.
The American Cancer Society, on its website, states, "Acupuncture is an effective treatment for nausea caused by chemotherapy drugs and surgical anesthesia."
Dealing with cancer requires strength and clarity of mind. Patients are dependent on their doctors and health care providers for advice and guidance throughout the process. Besides the treatment itself, the support and guidance of an experienced acupuncturist during a prolonged illness can be a great help.
Dr. Jack Tobol
Acupuncture Wellness Center of Coral Springs
Phone: 954.755.1292
Fax: 954.755.4029
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