– We train our bodies to be in shape – now we can train our brains to be fit, balanced and focused!
Brain Training Centers of Florida (BTC) offers the revolutionary Brain Wave Optimization with Real Time Balancing™ technology that addresses the condition and balance of the human brain through a sophisticated neuro and biofeedback system.
The “Brain Training” method engages state-of-the-art computer technology and specially designed neuro feedback and EEG equipment that captures and analyzes the energy levels of the brain. Brain Wave Optimization/RTB is utilized to help individuals with a wide range of disorders, as well as those who want to enhance their creativity and intellectual or athletic performance. This technology has been very successful in treating ADD, ADHD, PTSD, OCD, depression, addiction, sleep problems, and an array of other physical and mental issues.
We are currently working with eight different individuals to assist them with a wide range of difficulties. Our current clients include;
- a 19 year old girl with an eating disorder – She reports that her eating has improved significantly.
- a 50 year old woman with depression, PTSD, anxiety and on-going trauma. – She reports that Brain Training is saving her life.
- a 10 year old boy with A.D.D. – A.D.H.D. – We are optimistic, but no results yet.
- a 46 year old man with depression and addiction issues. He reports better sentiment and no addiction issues today!!!
- a 26 year old woman with eating disorder issues, depression, anxiety and anger issues – She reports no eating issues today, but is still struggling with her depression and anger issues. We will be working further with her soon.
- a 57 year old man with addiction, depression, ADHD, focus, and anger issues – He reports that he is feeling much better and is excited to continue working with us.
- a 54 year old man with anxiety issues – He reports feeling much calmer and focused.
- a 20 year old woman with addiction and eating issues. – She is starting with us today! More reports will follow.
For more information, please contact us at 305-796-6979.