About Terry Gorski
Terence T. Gorski is an internationally recognized expert on substance abuse, mental health, violence, & crime. He is best known for his contributions to relapse prevention, managing chemically dependent offenders, and developing community-based teams for managing the problems of alcohol, drugs, violence, and crime. He has extensive experience working with employee assistance programs (EAP) and has special expertise in working with emergency professionals including fire, medical, and law enforcement. He is a prolific author and has published numerous books and articles.
GORSKI-CENAPS Model Recognized by NIDA
In its publication Approaches to Drug Abuse Counseling (ADAC) The National Institute of Drug abuse (NIDA) recognized the top three "best known and most respected treatment approaches in the United States." as the Hazelden Foundation, the Betty Ford Center, and the GORSKI-CENAPS Model.
Mr. Gorski has developed three dynamic video tape series:
Series 1: Addiction: A Biopsychosocial Model
Series 2: Recovery: A Developmental Model
Series 3: Relapse
The basic principles of the GORSKI-CENAPS Model
Mr. Gorski Is A Best Selling Author
His Books:
Are written in clear, simple, and easy to understand language
Are well organized, interesting and easy to read
Present practical information that can be used immediately
Mr. Gorski Statement Below:
“Addiction Is Not A Crime, It's A Treatable Illness. Addicted People Are Not Criminals Who Need To Be Punished, They're Sick People Who Need to Get Well”.
To Contact Mr. Gorski - CLICK HERE