To date, Brain State Technologies of Scottsdale, Arizona has provided successful life changing “brain training” for more than 7,000 individuals across the United States and around the world. Many of these initially presented with issues of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, chronic depression and/or anxiety being critical factors in their substance abuse/dependence; many of these factors seemed to be causing multiple relapses following traditional treatment modalities. At the same time, however, the primary focus of BST has been to ameliorate the physical and emotional suffering of the ever increasing numbers of men and women who have sought the assistance of BST and/or its affiliates while continually updating BST computer technology and neuro-biofeedback programs. As a result, long term and large number empirical studies have not yet been completed and are still approximately 18 months to two years away.
Brain Training Centers of Florida was established in early 2008 to incorporate BST programming into alcohol and drug addictions programming in South Florida. Skip Flynn, Psy.D., CAP has been registered by Lee Gerdes, BST founder and CEO, to develop specific outpatient and inpatient brain training protocols for clients who are abusing and/or dependent on alcohol or drugs. With this goal in mind, BTCF has developed effective outpatient alcohol and drug treatment programs wrapping the treatment around Brain Training.
At present, the preferred operating protocol for “brain training” is an Intensive course of one 90 minute assessment and thirty 90-120 minute brain training sessions. The assessment now includes 17 electroencephalogram readings from the temporal, parietal, optical and frontal lobes and along the midline of the brain. Three one-minute readings – eyes closed, eyes partially open and eyes open – are completed for each combination of electrode placements with a final two setting combination.
Within minutes of the initial assessment, Brain Training protocols – a total of seven segments (matrices) of neuro-biofeedback for each 90 minute training session – are developed by the local (daughter) and Scottsdale-based (mother) computers. Each matrix will target specific areas of the brain with sound energies designed to promote balance/homeostasis between and among brain areas. Ideally, clients will undergo ten sessions within five days – allowing new neuro-pathways to crystallize or become permanent.
Experience in Scottsdale and in offices throughout the U.S. have indicated that Brain Training has proven extremely effective in quickly and significantly relieving cravings, mitigating depression, lowering anxiety levels, and improving the client’s sleep – in quality and duration.
Within twenty-four hours of admission to The Triage Outpatient Treatment Program, a patient will receive a 90-minute Brain Training assessment; within the first 96 hours of admission, a patient will receive a minimum of six full 90-120 minute Brain Training session and four more sessions with the next ten days. The client would then have one week of regular cognitive behavior based treatment, followed by another five day ten session Brain Conditioning intensive program. (or another ten sessions scheduled however the client wants to schedule them).
Brain Training Centers of Florida is licensed and certified to operate the brain training system provide by Brain State Technologies. The equipment is monitored and maintained by both organizations. The staff at Brain Training Centers is exceptionally qualified to provide the highest levels of treatment counseling available. Please see the staff CVs below.
Dr. Francis J. “Skip” Flynn
Geoffrey A. Cole