Dan Ascani - Ascani Wealth Management 3/10/2011 - Holistic Lifestyles | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio
Defend Your Money Radio A licensed professional of over 25 years, Dan Ascani has provided individual and institutional investors with consulting and investment services ranging from hard-dollar research and forecasting to trading systems and individually managed accounts. Whether for mutual funds, hedge funds, Registered Investment Advisers, or individual investors, Dan’s expertise in developing and executing investment strategies has been recognized by many well-known investment firms. Since the early 1990s, prominent financial institutions such as the Rushmore Funds (now known as the Capiello-Rushmore Funds), the Rydex funds, the Rogers Raw Materials fund, the Perth Mint of Western Australia, and the Weiss Group have turned to Dan for counsel and strategy development. Dan’s assistance with strategy development and execution for the initial six Rydex funds helped launch Rydex into a multi-billion dollar fund company used by many investors and investment advisers. Dan’s work with exchange traded funds and hedge funds, including those using gold and other commodities, and his work in providing trading systems to professional money managers, has caused investors to seek out Dan’s services. Defending Your Money Radio
Sam Kesaris – Talking Treatment & Recovery
7 years ago