Monday, March 14, 2011

Hot Off the Press! Results of In-Clinic Testing of Sound Pillow® Sleep System Are In

Hot Off the Press! Results of In-Clinic Testing of Sound Pillow® Sleep System Are In « Holistic Lifestyles Radio

Hot Off the Press! Results of In-Clinic Testing of Sound Pillow® Sleep System Are In

by Holistic Lifestyles Radio on Mar.14, 2011, under Home

Two Rockers and the Sound Pillow: Very Cool

For the past six weeks we have been testing the new Sound Pillow Sleep System in several Addiction Recovery Centers. These in-clinic tests were made possible through the cooperation of: the National Institute for Holistic Addiction Studies (N.I.F.H.A.S.), G&G Holistic Addiction Treatment Center, Palm Partners, Destination Hope and Sunrise Detox. And to say the results were eye opening would be an understatement. Here’s what happened…

Each of the centers received 5 – 8 Sound Pillow Sleep Systems consisting of: an MP4 Player Pre-Loaded with 14 ½ hours of binaural music, natures sounds and affirmations from Dr. Harry Henshaw, Ed.D., and a Sound Pillow. The centers then selected clients to test the sleep systems. Each client slept with the sleep system, for two weeks. After two weeks, the clients completed a questionnaire rating the Sound Pillow’s comfort and sound quality, how much they liked the music, how relaxing the system was and most importantly…the overall quality of their sleep. Their counselors also complete a questionnaire about their client’s mood, attitude and overall outlook of success. Neither the client nor their counselor saw the answers provided by the other (double blind study).

The results and feedback are amazing…91% of the clients believe the Sound Pillow Sleep System will help them through their recovery journey. And 97% would recommend the system to others in addiction recovery. Why? Because the system allowed the clients to not only fall asleep, but to STAY asleep! And because they stayed asleep, they completed sleep’s critical-healing cycles: Deep Sleep/Slow Wave Sleep (SWS) and REM (Rapid Eye Movement). So they were in better moods which improved their attitudes which led to a better outlook for success, not to mention they were nicer people to be around.

These results were reiterated by the fact that…100% of the counselors (21 total individuals) reported they would recommend the Sound Pillow Sleep System to other addiction recovery centers. Why? Because their clients slept which put them in better moods which allows for more productive communications which leads to more meaningful interactions which will lead to better results in the short and long haul.

Want to see the evidence for yourself? Send me an email: I will send as many of them to you as you like. And if you are ready for a meaningful night’s sleep, visit the web site at And do it soon as the Sound Pillow Sleep System is being introduced for only $78.88 through May 31st. That’s $20.00 off through May.