Monday, April 11, 2011

A Father’s Call

A Father’s Call « Holistic Lifestyles Radio

A Father’s Call

by Holistic Lifestyles Radio on Apr.08, 2011, under Home

As you know, over the course of the last fifteen years; I spent hundreds of hours talking to clients and customers, doctors, clinicians and counselors servicing all walks of life in a variety of fields. I have invested a great deal of emotional, physical and financial resources as well. From a purely “business perspective,” there has been little to no ROI (Return on Investment); at least not financially.

So why do I keep it alive? Why is it still available and evolved into the Sound Pillow Sleep System? Because I believe that God places people on our path at the right time. In many cases, He sends them to us when we need them most. We just have to be willing to recognize and listen to the message. How does this apply to the Sound Pillow? This is the second installment in the Three Phone Calls series: Stories of my experiences with three unique individuals of which I had three profound conversations.

A Father’s Call. In late 2009, Ron W. called. That morning Ron was sitting in a waiting room, waiting for his physician to discuss his Tinnitus. While in wait mode, Ron stumbled upon the Sound Pillow in Tinnitus Today and called us to see if we could help.

About 10 minutes into the conversation, he suddenly switched gears on me and started talking about his daughter Angela. Angela had just been picked-up off the Ohio streets. She had run away over two-years earlier and turned to prostitution to support her heroine addiction. The story of Ron’s two-year search and his emotional discovery of her condition, were moving. My daughter was six and I just did not want to try imagining myself in his shoes…Thinking of my daughter, I was compelled to do something nice for Ron and his daughter Angela. So I sent 20 Sound Pillows to the Darlene Bishop Home for Life, with zero expectations. I was just compelled to do it.

A couple of weeks later I received a letter from Beth Ward, the Director of the Darlene Bishop Home for Life. She stated “The Sound Pillows are a huge success!!” – I had no idea what she meant, the Sound Pillows were just gifts to a group of ladies that I thought needed a morale boost. So, I called Beth and was amazed to learn the girls were sleeping and they were sleeping well.

Because of a Father’s Call, I started working with clients in various stages of Addiction Recovery. We have tested the Sound Pillow Sleep System, with phenomenal success, at G&G Holistic Addiction Treatment Center, Palm Partners, Sunrise Detox and Destination Hope. The results were wonderful. The vast majority of the client’s were getting a meaningful night’s sleep. Meaningful sleep is healing sleep and it improved their moods, their outlooks for success, they were much more relaxed and in many cases, even more pleasant to be around. We will be posting the results to the Sound Pillow web site soon…Stay tuned.

You can read Beth Ward’s letter now at Just click on the Addiction Recovery Tab and scroll down a little. If you or someone you know could use a good night of healing sleep, give us a call at 877-846-6488.