My name is Dr. Elizabette Cohen and I am a pet owner, a practicing veterinarian for 21 years, a radio pet reporter, and the author of Most of My Patients Wear Fur. In chapter 4 of my book, I discuss the importance of oral hygiene. Brushing teeth at the puppy and kitten stage can help with teething, prevent many mouth problems and can even prevent heart, liver and kidney diseases later on!
I have 2 wonderful dogs that I love very much. The oldest is my black Labrador retriever, Allie. She is 18 years old and I am convinced she made it to such an old age because I do a lot of preventative care like daily teeth brushing. I have been brushing her teeth for many years now and luckily, she has good genes. I never had to perform dentistry on her. However, my 5-year old Rottie rescue, Roxy, is not as lucky. Even though she gets her teeth brushed daily, she must have lousy genes, because she still builds up some plaque and tartar. Performing a proper dentistry requires anesthesia and I do not want to put her under if I do not have to. No matter how many precautions are taken, anesthesia still poses a risk. This is why I am so excited about PetzLife oral care products. I love the fact that these products are all natural. They are so easy to use. Every night, (because my dogs are used to me brushing their teeth) I apply some gel on the toothbrush and brush the gel directly onto the teeth. In the morning, I take a piece of gauze and wipe the plaque and tartar right off. Wow! After using the product for just 1 week, I saw results.
Note: For patients that are not used to brushing, I suggest that you rub the gel liberally onto the teeth in the evening before bedtime, then wipe with gauze in the morning. After 1 week of doing this every night, you too should see a difference.
Some of you might be concerned about the grain alcohol in this product, but many liquid medications use the same grain alcohol that gets safely ingested by the patients. These oral care products get applied directly to the teeth, so if some gets swallowed there is no need to worry.
Thank you PetzLife for oral care products that help keep my pets and everyone else’s, “Healthy and Happy!”
Dr. Elizabette Cohen
Host of “Healthy and Happy Pet” heard on WCBS880.com worldwide and WCBS 880 AM News Radio in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Connecticut
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