A resolution can be very overwhelming and scary intention to commit to. People write them down with the purest of intentions at heart and whole-heartedly want success. How come most resolutions don’t stick? More often than not, when our resolutions fail, we end up with a New Year’s depression. How can we alleviate these overwhelming resolutions?
Be patient with yourself. You know yourself better than anyone. Don’t just write down something that you think other people want to hear – like going to a gym. A gym is a good place, but it’s not necessarily the best place for you. Find out what makes you tick and do it.
Do you like outdoors activities? Maybe skiing (cross-country or downhill), snowshoeing, ice skating, rollerblading, skate boarding, running, walking…there are several activities that you could do that pumps you up without resorting to a gym. Bike riding is a great activity too.
Some people even walk the mall. Some malls have ice skating rinks too. There are malls that have three floors. That makes it better to walk the mall – one floor at a time.
Do you like to dance? Maybe dance classes are more your style to get your body moving.
The bottom line is, know what you want to do and be patient with yourself. Set realistic intentions based on your own guidelines and not someone else’s.
When you feel overwhelmed, that is also a good indicator that you are not living one day at a time. You are looking too far into the future.
You can only live in the moment in that one day. Do what you can at that time and know you are doing the best you can. Would you like to right a blog go to www.holisticlifestylesradio.com and contact us.