Tune in to the THIRD EYE LIVE!!! on the Holistic Lifestyles Radio Show Saturday January 9th on The Holistic Lifestyles Radio Show at 4-5pm. Our Guest will be April Claxton and she will be discussing the “The Movement from Within” – April is devoted in planting the seeds of inner awakening one person at time. And as always our panel will open the show with various topics from spiritual to nutrition to world events and everything in between. Education, healing and latest information exposing any and all measures of the calculated strategy of dumbing down the human race is what we are all about.
Third Eye Live!!! The cutting-edge out-of-the-box radio program where metaphysical meets physical, by awakening higher consciousness and joining forces with all lightworkers. The panel consists of Laurie Bauman, Barb Pardee, Holly Stockus and Rashid Saker. Four professionals in the holistic and metaphysical arena that will offer their knowledge, opinions and insight on various topics from spiritual to nutrition to world events and everything in between.
April Claxton comes with a fresh breath and a new perspective. She has been connected to the “the chain of consciousness” from a very early age and has recently been able to identify and find comfort in her abilities and gifts; as we all have abilities and gifts. Through her intuitive guidance using Angel cards and channeling, she is able to bring insight into personal blockages and she brings hope. That is her soul purpose on this journey: hope. It is also important to note that April channels from the collective consciousness and directly from Jesus. She is an automatic channel writer and is currently channeling Jesus to write His messages which will later transform as His book. For many purposes, she is able to bring in information and is a light in a very dark tunnel for many. In her purpose and journey she will be opening many doors for others. As she too continues on her path- so shall all of you. We all have conflicts and struggles- partly because we are human; mostly because we are learning. The messages are clear, precise and meaningful- as all are meant to see and understand. All have a purpose and she is here to bring forth what is inside of you. She is here to bring hope. Her web site: http://www.themovementwithin.com

Followed by Spiritual Recovery with Rashid, on the Holistic Lifestyles Radio Show 5-6pm. Rashid’s guest will be psychic, Michelle Whitedove. We will be discussing Psychic insights – the Future. Michelle will also be taking questions so our lines will be open for calls 1-888-565-1470.
Psychic Michelle Whitedove is a world-class medium whose mission is to empower humanity as an enlightenment teacher and visionary. Whitedove actively works as a Medical Intuitive, Psychic Investigator, Spiritual-Medium, Angel Communicator and Futurist. As an expert in her field, she has been featured on some of America's most informative programs; CBS News, FOX News, ABC’s 190 North, View Points on PBS TV, NPR Radio, The Alan Colmes Show and Coast to Coast AM. Recently Lifetime Television named her America’s #1 Psychic after proving her supernatural gifts on their TV program “America’s Psychic Challenge”.
Whitedove has written five books on the journey of the soul: Angels are Talking, She Talks with Angels, Ghost Stalker I & II, and her first children’s book: My Invisible Friends-Angels. Forthcoming: The Sacred Code (March 2009)
WOW - That’s TWO HOURS of holistic and metaphysical talk, enlightenment, news, laughter and so much more. Spend your Saturdays with us. Listen Live At WWW.HolisticLifestylesRadio.com or The Holistic Lifestyles Radio Show Facebook Fan Page at http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/pages/Holistic-Lifestyles-Radio-Show/150061141898?ref=ts . You can also call 954-826-4920 for more information.