Friday, February 25, 2011


THE ANTIDOTE FOR ADDICTION (1) « Holistic Lifestyles Radio


by Holistic Lifestyles Radio on Jun.01, 2010, under Home

Is there an antidote for addiction?

Yes! That’s the good news.

Here’s the bad news!

What if – you had to drive ten miles EVERY DAY to get the antidote?

Would you be willing to drive the ten miles?

Before saying “Yes, I want the antidote,” let’s explore this a little further.

You have to ask yourself, “How bad do I want it?”

This isn’t a trick question.

Addiction has its rewards.

Are you ready and willing to walk away from the “safety” of your solitary prison where you don’t have to – feel any pain – from the outside world; where you don’t have to grow, or change?

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. In starting our recovery journey, all we have to do is – take one step away from our solitary prisonsby “connecting” with people who have been where we are, people who will walk the journey of the thousand miles with us – every step of the way. Here’s the wisdom passed on to us the 100 original members of A.A.:

The tremendous fact – for every one of us - is that we have discovered a common solution.

We have found – a way out - from the slavery of addiction, on which we can absolutely agree, and upon which we can join in brotherly and harmonious action.

This is the great news the book, Alcoholics Anonymous, carries to those who suffer from addiction. (An appropriate title for the book could possibly be – The Antidote For Addiction – more than 150 Twelve Step Programs are built on its foundation)

Nearly all of us have – recovered. We have SOLVED the addiction problem.

The physical cravings, along with the obsessive thoughts and compulsive feelings to use pills, alcohol, or drugs, have been – removed.

They do not exist for us.

We are neither cocky, nor are we afraid.

This is our experience; this is how we react, so long aswe stay in fit spiritual condition. (A. A. Page 17, 85)

Today, make a fresh start. Read the Doctor’s Opinion. Renew – your spirit.

Namaste, (The light in me “honors” the light in you.)
