Monday, February 28, 2011

Doc Willards Wonder Water

Doc Willards Wonder Water « Holistic Lifestyles Radio

Doc Willards Wonder Water

by Holistic Lifestyles Radio on Jul.13, 2010, under Home

The “60 Minutes” program,
originally aired November 23, 1980.

Editor’s note: The reason we highlight this investigation is that people will tell you all kinds of things to sell their products, but we have something other people don’t have, one of the most positive “60 Minutes” ever produced, a Congressional investigation and thousands of loyal users which prompted the investigations in the first place.

We realize the information we are presenting is hard to believe, but you must agree that “60 Minutes” is not known for frivolous reporting. You should treat the “60 Minutes” segment as an impartial, basic overview of our product. NOT as an endorsement, rather a news program known for their sharp investigative style took a look at Willard Water® and presented the information they discovered. This will be helpful to remember as you learn more about Willard Water®. We have a very unique product.

For more
information on how Willard Water can help you maintain good health, visit
their website at or call them toll free at 888-379-4552.