How much are attorney’s fees in a personal injury case in Florida? « Holistic Lifestyles Radio
How much are attorney’s fees in a personal injury case in Florida?
by Holistic Lifestyles Radio on May.16, 2011, under Home
For most personal injury cases, the lawyer’s fees are 1/3 (33.3%) of any recovery up to $1 million and 40% if the case goes to trial. There are, of course, exceptions to this general rule, such as any claim against a governmental agency, in which the attorney’s fees are 25%, not 33.3%. The lawyer does not receive any fees from you unless he recovers money from the other side as a settlement of your personal injury claim.
If there is no recovery, there is no fee – it is that simple. You do not have to have a single penny to receive full and complete, legal representation in a personal injury matter. If you are going to pay the same fee anyway, why not hire a lawyer who has been practicing personal injury law for over twenty years? In, my opinion, it would not make much sense to hire a lawyer with less experience, especially if you are going to pay the exact same contingency fee anyway.
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