The Positive Effects of Gratitude « Holistic Lifestyles Radio
The Positive Effects of Gratitude
by Holistic Lifestyles Radio on May.18, 2011, under Home
The Shift Guru
When was the last time you were grateful…without sarcasm, without reservation, without being angry and resentful?
When was the last time you said ‘thank you’ to a stranger for a simple action?
When was the last time you woke up and thanked the Universe for the deep breath you were able to take; the soft bed you awoke upon; the friends that are in your life now?
In this dynamic show, you will be presented with a wonderfully simple tool to shift your entire life experience…a tool that will take you approximately 30 seconds each time you implement it…a tool that is available to you in each and every experience in your life. This tool is the Tool of Gratitude.
If you are willing to consider opening your life to gratitude and to all that gratitude can bring to your life and the life of the individual you share your gratitude and thanks; If you are willing to create more loving and dynamic shifts in your life through The Law of Attraction; If you are willing to consider shifting your perspective on life…this show provides you with a simple tool to create all of these differences. In this show, The Angelic Realm, Barbara’s guest, Michael (Mike) O’Mary, and Barbara will address their perspectives on the impacts of sharing gratitude and the affect it has on your life and the life of those around you.
Barbara’ guest, Michael O’Mary, is an author, speaker, and coach of Fortune 500 companies with a focus of executive communication. As an author (Wise Men and Other Stories, a collection of holiday-related essays) is also the creator of The Note Project (, a project intended to shift the world by bringing gratitude into each of our lives. We are certain you will want to become a member so you can begin to shift your own life and those of at least one other individual.
At the Creating Café, Barbara Joye, The Shift Guru, discusses societal perceptions that you may want to consider shifting. If you have ever wondered why your life is as it is; if you have ever desired anything different in your life and wondered how to create such a difference; if you are simply an individual with an open mind and a questioning nature, you will want to begin this series and follow the shifts that occur in your life as you begin to consciously create your own life.
You will be delighted and amazed and shifted with this inspiring and enjoyable show. Tune in to WWNN AM 1470, Boca Raton, Florida and listen every Wednesday at either 2:00 PM EDT or 10:00 PM EDT or listen at your leisure at or .
Barbara Joye is The Shift Guru. Her focus is assisting individual like you to discover and shift their limiting perspectives and beliefs on life, so they may create the life of their dreams. Visit Barbara on her website at, explore her Book The Creating Formula, Speaking topics and Guide session’s offerings to see how she can assist you in creating the life you desire and deserve.
Sam Kesaris – Talking Treatment & Recovery
7 years ago