The Holistic Lifestyles Radio Show On Friday December 11, 2009, I am excited to have as my guest, Food and Fitness Coach Bea Metz. We will be discussing the importance of proper nutrition and exercise for a healthy lifestyle and happy relationships. As a Food Coach Bea guides her clients in making lifestyle changes to lose weight, gain energy, and develop healthier habits which lead to a healthier body and mind. Bea’s passion and enthusiasm is contagious. As a palates instructor she changes the bodies and lives of people every day.
It is impossible to have happy and healthy relationship without first being a happy and healthy person. By incorporating proper diet and exercise you work on the body part of the mind, body and spirit. But, only that, Bea will explain the connection between food and mental fitness. How certain foods can have detrimental effects on your emotional outlook and how food selection can improve your disposition and energy level.