The Holistic Healing Center offers services that promote total body wellness. Our services are performed in a friendly, caring and professional manner in order to bring about optimal health & healing.
For body detoxification we offer Colon Hydrotherapy and the Ion Cleanse, Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Hair Analysis and Heavy Metal Detox programs as well as individualized all-inclusive Bio-Nutritional Programs that address Heavy Metal Toxicity as well as nutrient imbalances.
For energy balancing, relaxation, stress reduction and pain relief we offer Massage Therapy, Reiki and Acupuncture.... See More
For Rejuvenation we offer deep pore cleansing facials, Energy Light Facial Rejuvenation and Contouring Lypossage. We also offer Smoking Cessation and Weight loss Programs, Point Injections, Multi-B Complex and Homeopathic Injections.
We sell a full line of natural personal hygiene and Skin care products as well as products which promote digestive health and also complement our programs and services. Please feel free to browse through our website to find out more information about our services and read related articles. You can also purchase our proprietary vitamin and nutrient formulas, relaxation and meditation CD's, books and music downloads through our secure shopping cart. Come visit us at our center in North Miami Beach, Florida and experience our Professional services first hand.
Contact-Christine Gosslin
1590 NE 162nd St. # 400
North Miami Beach, FL 33162
Telephone: Tel:305-919-7877
Fax: Fax: 305-945-6445