Solaris has been studying Astrology for over ten years and is devoted to helping people embrace love and light. Following her intuition and education, she sees the galaxy like a map where she can help unravel the mysteries of the heart and the mind. She has absorbed the wisdom and understanding to help clarify the gifts inside each of us.
And as always our panel will open the show with various topics from spiritual to nutrition to world events and everything in between. Education, healing and latest information exposing any and all measures of the calculated strategy of dumbing down the human race is what we are all about.
Bio: Third Eye Live!!! The cutting-edge out-of-the-box radio program where metaphysical meets physical, by awakening higher consciousness and joining forces with all lightworkers. The panel consists of Laurie Bauman, Barb Pardee, Holly Stockus and Rashid Saker. Four professionals in the holistic and metaphysical arena that will offer their knowledge, opinions and insight on various topics from spiritual to nutrition to world events and everything in between. Check out their fan page on Face Book or to contact them by calling Holistic Lifestyles Radio Show at 877-799-8773.

Every Tuesday 2-3pm and Saturday 4-6pmEST Spiritual Recovery with Rashid, on the Holistic Lifestyles Radio Show WWNN 1470AM. Rashid’s guest will be Yeyefini Efunbolade. We will be discussing the new year predictions and her new book Women and New And Africana Religions, where she describes how she overcame racism, poverty, and molestation that led her in search of peace and initiation into the Ifa/Yoruba Priesthood. Her personal story will inspire African and all women to rise above and find courage in spirituality. Our lines will be open for calls 1-888-565-1470.
Bio: Yeyefini Efunbolade has been an ordained Ifa (Yoruba) Priest/Shaman for 36 years. She practices and teaches traditional African rituals and ceremonies. Yeyefini is a vivacious, charismatic, bilingual (English/Spanish) African Spiritual Life Coach/ Counselor, author, teacher, and lecturer. She has used the training received from her travels around the world to create a unique fusion of healing modalities from various indigenous spiritual systems. She performs naming and re-naming ceremonies and weddings. Yeyefini ordains (initiates) and trains African Spiritual Life Coaches (Priests) all over the world in traditional African medicine, divinations, and metaphysical systems. Her notoriety as a successful Self Empowerment (Rites of Passage) Series Facilitator is world wide; she has developed a dynamic and effective curriculum and lecture series.
WOW - That’s 3 HOURS of holistic and metaphysical talk, enlightenment, news, laughter and so much more. Spend your Saturdays with us. Listen Live At www.HolisticLifestylesRadio.com