Nancy A. Schenck has over twenty-one years of publishing experience. She spent ten years in New York working at Random House in the Trade Sales division, and then as a copywriter and Manager of Creative Services in the Children’s Publishing division. She moved to Los Angeles in 1998 and was editor of a magazine for a nonprofit organization. Nancy is the Executive Editor of Central Recovery Press and has worked for CRP since June 2005. “As a person in long-term recovery, I can think of no better job than to work in a field for which I have so much passion while helping to educate others about the devastation of the disease of addiction and the hope recovery offers. It is truly a dream job!”
Prior to following her passion for publishing and the written word, Nancy worked as a nurse for thirteen years in her hometown of New Orleans, LA and spent eight years working in pediatric emergency units. She has a BS in Literature Studies and Creative Writing from State University of New York/Empire State College.
Nancy is mother to one son and grandmother to one granddaughter. She and her partner, Tony, are the proud “parents” of Sophie, a lab mix they rescued in 2006. Her first book, Tails of Recovery: Addicts and the Pets That Love Them (Central Recovery Press, 2009) was written as part of the grieving process for her beloved dog, Happy, that she lost in a tragic event over forty years ago.
More info about Tails of Recovery: Addicts and the Pets That Love Them
Tails of Recovery: Addicts and the Pets That Love Them presents first-person accounts by people in recovery of the hope and healing that pets have provided to them. These stories are tied together with insightful commentary by author Nancy Schenck, herself a long-time pet lover and person in long-term recovery. Tails of Recovery is for anyone—in recovery or not—who wants to experience the deep and spiritual connectedness that the love of a pet provides to those in need.
In a recent review of Tails of Recovery, The Journal of Addictive Diseases hails the book as being “put together nicely, seasoned with personal anecdotes, photos, and short but factual articles on the many aspects of “pet therapy” and companions. Better yet, Schenck has clearly succeeded in transcending her grievous loss by putting together a brief but highly effective book that will help thousands of others who struggle with addiction, loneliness, and lovelessness. Those who work with drug-dependent individuals will find this a pleasant reminder that therapy and the road back to health sometimes includes unconditional love, such as freely offered by man’s (and woman’s) best friend.”
Here is a link to the full review: http://www.centralrecoverypress.com/news/100226_Tails_of_Recovery_Book_Review.pdf.
Tails of Recovery is a finalist for the Book of the Year Award in the Pets Category. Book of the Year is sponsored by Foreword Magazine. Here is the link: http://www.bookoftheyearawards.com.
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