Strange sound in your head? Maybe it sounds like a ringing, buzzing, whirring or worse? You are NOT crazy and you are NOT alone. It is call Tinnitus. According to the American Tinnitus Association, more than 50 Million people experience Tinnitus, to some degree, every day. And 12 Million people are actively seeking help for their Tinnitus.
There is no cure, but there is help. Many people report that masking their Tinnitus, by listening to exterior sounds that “cover up” the sound created by their Tinnitus, is a great help. Especially at night, when there are far less ambient sounds to cover up the sounds in their head. A great tool for masking Tinnitus, especially at night, is by using a Sound Pillow.
The Sound Pillow is a comfortable plush pillow with two stereo-speakers buried deep inside the pillow that allows you to comfortably listen to your favorite music, meditation CDs, and nature sounds. Simply plug the Sound Pillow into any standard 1/8” headphone jack, layback, relax and let the sounds flowing from the Sound Pillow put you to sleep.
Contact the understanding folks at Sound Pillow today by calling 877-846-6488 or visit them on the web at www.SoundPillow.com