People trying to move away from addictions to drugs and alcohol face
a very difficult task. However, by adding Acupuncture to detoxification
treatment, many are learning that it is easier to stick with their program and find the successful road out.
One such success came out of a one-year study conducted in Portland, Oregon, where individuals received Acupuncture as part of their recovery.
In that program, people who received Acupuncture detoxification treatment were two times more likely to continue their rehabilitation therapy than those not getting it. In this same study, more than 70% of people treated with Acupuncture successfully completed detoxification, compared with only 50% of those who did not receive the treatment. For those detoxifying from alcohol only, the success rate was 90%. Recidivism (tendency to relapse) was reduced to only 5%.
A similar blind study of chronic alcoholics in Hennepin County,
Minnesota had far better results among the Acupuncture group. Here,
37% of the treatment group receiving Acupuncture completed the program while only 7.4% of the control group made it.
One person who received Acupuncture as part of his recovery program had this to report: “I have enjoyed what I believe to be reasonable success after 21 sessions within a four-week period with a weekly follow-up of one session per week ever since. My alcoholic compulsion is markedly reduced with the side benefit of elevated vigor and more energy from day to day.
“I literally do not have the compulsion or craving. An occasional
thought of drinking passes by with no pangs or lingering thoughts. I’ve read about a doctor who said that the only necessary proof of
Acupuncture’s worth was the very fact that it worked. Period. It just
Source: http://www.acupuncture.com/research/detox.htm; http://www.acupuncture.com/testimonials/alcohol1.htm
Dr. Jack Tobol
Acupuncture Wellness Center of Coral Springs
Phone: 954.755.1292
Fax: 954.755.4029