Holistic Lifestyles Radio and The Couch Live join together in spreading the message of recovery from addictions. All it took was one brief meeting and several minutes on the air together while both attending the 12 Step Music Fest in November 2009. John Hollis of Holistic Lifestyles Radio invited me, Luis Delgado, CAP, Aka The Dope Doctor, from The Couch Live to join him on his show.
Since then the favor has been returned and now the mutual respect has turned into more. Both John and I know recovery from experience before anything else. We both have also dedicated ourselves to helping those afflicted with the disease of addiction via radio, television, and social media.
Since the primary purpose to spread the message trumps any ego or competitive nature, Holistic Lifestyles Radio has offered to share it’s Blogtalk airwaves to air The Couch Live from 12-1PM Eastern Standard Time every Friday. Although it may originally air at a different time due to technicalities that will be worked out.
The Couch Live will continue to air the show from it’s home base at www.rock100diz.com, while streaming into Blogtalk. Blogtalk is only one of the many outlets in which to listen to the Holistic Lifestyles Radio show.
In addition to sharing time on Holistics’ Blogtalk, you will also see that both www.holisticlifestylesradio.com and www.thedopedoctor.com will publish each others blogs, continue to have each other as guests, and advertise each others shows.
Look for any updates at either site and especially by listening to any of the shows on Blogtalk simply by clicking on the widget seen from either site. You can also follow them via Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites. Help spread the word and be part of the solution. You will never know how great a simple act of sharing can help. But it does. Thanks again to you all, and especially John Hollis for being you brother.
Luis A. Delgado, CAP
Certified Addictions Professional
Aka “the dope doctor”
The Couch Live Radio & TV Show