Join us this Friday March 12, when we discuss the changing face of dating. Our guest include: Sexologist Larry Siegel, Lucia Queen of the Cougar Jungle, and Singles lifestyles promoter Al Barry.
Lawrence Siegel, MA, CST, AASECT is a Clinical Sexologist, certified by the
American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, & Therapists
(AASECT). In addition to being President of the non-profit Sage Institute
for Family Development, Larry serves on faculty at several local colleges
and universities, as well as other national health and teaching
institutions. He is a regular guest on numerous radio and television shows and
can be found as an expert advisor on the web at SexualHealth.com and
Lucia is a dating and relationship expert specializing in Cougar relationships. She is the #1 Cougar Expert in the world. She has one of the top 10 shows on L.A. Talk Radio, is the author of “Lucia's Lessons of Love”, a keynote speaker and a syndicated columnist.
Lucia has been featured on over 100 radio and TV shows including “Dr. Phil”, “The CBS Early Show”, “and, “The Tyra Banks Show”. She is the spokesperson for dating site icougardating.com, the Cougar Expert on Videojug.com and was Miss UrbanCougar December 2005. She taught the worlds’ first Cougar class for The Learning Annex in 2007 titled, "How To Date Younger Men/How To Date Older Women".
Al Barry is an expert in the field of singles events. He hosts expos every year that cater to the changing dating scene. He will be holding a singles event on March 28 in Boca Raton. The event will cater to growing Palm Beach County single population and include a speed dating sample session.
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