If an alcoholic or addict fails to perfect and enlarge their “spiritual life” through:
Work – Meditation, and prayer,
Self-sacrifice – Taking time to help others they will not survive the certain trials and low spots ahead. If we do not work, we will eventually relapse, and if we continue to relapse, we will eventually die from our disease, or wish we were dead. (A.A. Page-15)
Many of us are “loners.” We often carry this trait into our recovery program. We go to meetings. On occasion, we read recovery literature. We may even have daily phone conversations with other alcoholics or addicts.
What’s missing here? Accountability! When we’re loners, we are not accountable to anyone. How can we solve this problem? We can solve this problem by first of all becoming “accountable” to ourselves. It would help to have a
RELAPSE PREVENTION BAROMETER to help us keep track of the progress we are making in our recovery.
I’ll provide you with this over the next few days, but before going any further, let’s define character:
The dictionary defines character as: “Moral or ethical strength; QUALITIES of honesty, integrity, or courage.
The same qualities it takes to win a Super Bowl, climb Mount Everest, start a business, get in good shape, etc.
1. Courage: The quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty or pain without fear; bravery.
2. Commitment: To pledge, bind, or obligate one-self to achieve a goal; to burn the bridges of escape behind you.
3. Honesty: Freedom – from deceit or fraud, truthfulness, sincerity, or frankness.
4. Humility: Free from vanity, boastfulness, or grandiosity; not arrogant, a - realistic view - of one’s limitations.
5. Discipline: An exercise, regimen, or - series of steps - that improves one’s skill and control.
6. Fortitude: Strength of mind that enables one to endure temporary pain or adversity with courage.
7. Persistence: To persevere in spite of difficulty, discomfort, discouragement, or obstacles.
8. Forgiveness: The wisdom and courage to let go of anger or resentment toward oneself, or another; compassion.
9. Patience: Quietly and steadily persevering, bearing hardship, or discomfort with fortitude and calmness.
10. Altruism: Unselfish concern for the welfare of others.
11. Resilience: Springing back, rebounding; recovering from adversity.
12. Teamwork: Cooperative and coordinated effort with others to achieve a common goal.
Namaste, (The light in me “honors” the light in you.
Jack Kelly
Jack Kelly, C.A.P., N.L.P.
Miami, Florida
Jack Kelly,C.A.P., N.L.P. is certified in addiction counseling and Neuro Linguistic Programming. His experience in working with alcoholics and addicts covers a span of more than 30 years.
He is the author of the soon to be published book, Twenty One Recovery Myths The Addiction Survivors Guide To The Twelve Steps.
His four CD's include:
Twenty-One Recovery Myths
The Humpty Dumpty Dilemma
The Antidote For Addiction
Stress Buster - A Guided Meditation
His imagination and creative approach to recovery makes him a sought after speaker at treatment centers and half way houses in South Florida.