Fort Lauderdale, Fla. –Deliver the Dream (DTD), a South Florida-based charity that organizes retreats for families experiencing a serious illness or crisis will host its annual Happiness, Health & Well-being Speaker Series featuring Dr. Brian Clement, Director of the Hippocrates Health Institute.
Dr. Clement’s presentation will take place on Monday, March 22 at The Caldwell Theatre in Boca Raton. A reception at 6:30 p.m. will welcome guests with a selection of holistic and health-conscious vendors showcasing an array of products and services. Dr. Clement will take the stage at 7:30 p.m. to discuss Hippocrates’ methods of preventing aging and healing disease. Attendees will also have an opportunity to learn more about his controversial new book “Supplements Exposed.”
Dr. Clement has spearheaded the international progressive health movement for more than three decades. At the Hippocrates Health Institute, he has developed a state of the art program for health maintenance and recovery.
Event vendors include Hippocrates Health Institute, Field of Flowers, Zero Point Global, Susie Q., The Annie Appleseed Project, Asian Integrative Medicine, Jen Scoz Designs, Prema Yoga, Shore Chiropractor, Got Sprouts?, Juice Plus, 4th Generation Organic Market, Gyrotonic Satnam, Kangen Miracle Water, Everglades University, Minuteman Press of Boca Raton and Dolphin Healing Retreats.
About Deliver the Dream
Deliver the Dream, Inc. is a non-profit respite and retreat program that serves families facing serious illness or crisis by helping them to enhance coping skills, reduce stress, and cultivate relationships. Deliver the Dream offers retreat weekends, which combine traditional recreational activities like hiking and fishing, with therapeutic workshops, peer-to-peer discussion groups and expressive arts and music activities. The retreats are provided at no cost to participants. More than 4,200 family members throughout the Southeast have attended a Deliver the Dream weekend since retreats began in the Fall of 2002.
About Hippocrates Health Institute
Deemed the world's number one teaching institute in the year 2000 by Spa Management Group, this historic center was founded by visionary Ann Wigmore and is currently under the leadership of Drs. Brian and Anna Maria Clement. For a half of a century, the Institute has taught generations how to access the power from their vast inner resources to transform the quality of their lives. Please visit: www.hippocratesinst.org.
For more information
Christie Galeano
cgaleano@deliverthedream.org, visit www.DeliverTheDream.org