1. Not sleeping through the night, which guarantees a stress-full day.
2. Taking medication to get to sleep – where a high percentage of people get addicted to the medication or have unpleasant side effects such as - being drowsy or tired all day.
The www.SoundPillow.com is like our bodies. If we eat foods filled with healthy nutrients, the food does wonderful things for our bodies. On the other hand if we eat foods that have little or no nutritional value, the food does very bad things to our bodies such has clog our arteries or start us down the diabetic track.
The “sound” that comes out of the Sound Pillow is as important as the “pillow” itself.
As an addiction counselor, one of the major challenges my new clients face is getting back into a normal sleeping pattern. One of my clients had a ten-year addiction to a drug her doctor prescribed to help her sleep. She was stressed out about staying awake all night. I gave her the Sound Pillow along with Prescription Audio’s – Nocturne - a sixty-minute symphony of sound and music that gently guides the brain to the deepest levels of relaxation. The next day she literally ran up to me when I arrived at work and told me that - for the first time in ten years - she not only had a sound nights sleep - without taking her sleep medication, but she also had a dream - the first time in many years.
I have worked with many alcoholics and addicts who were prescribed sleep medication upon being admitted for treatment, but came off the medication by using the Sound Pillow along with the Nocturne CD.
I believe every treatment center in the county would be doing their clients a great service if they provided the www.SoundPillow.com, along with the sound and music therapy programs offered by www.PrescriptionAudio.com
Jack Kelly, CAP, NLP